NGOs, foundation, corporations and donors need focused strategic plans to organise their stakeholders around a shared and common vision for their investments.
Strategic plans help to define success for an organisation, determine the operational and programmatic steps to get there, and align resources and staff to achieve the goal within a given time frame.
We will work with you to identify the intended impact and theory of change which best fits your organization. This, coupled with an analysis of costs, externalities, and organisational culture and capacity, will help boards, staff and donors gain greater clarity into the comparative advantage of their organisations as well as a heightened sense of opportunities for impact.
The process of arriving at agreement and clarity around impact and strategy is a critical part of strategic planning. However, for maximum impact, the plan must be used as a road map for accountability and decision making, a resource for new staff, and a tool for measuring success. Well done, it attracts funders and partners around a shared mission.
4 Step Methodology
Achieve clarity of purpose: A clear articulation of the impact and goals needed leads to a theory of change.
Set priorities: What actions are needed for an organization to achieve it’s theory of change? We’ll help you look at new programs as well as evaluate and modify current programs. We will help you to conduct internal evaluations of effectiveness, assist you in the alignment of the findings with desired impacts, and work with you to develop a cost/benefit analysis to clarify how programs are performing.
Drive resources to priorities: Financial, human, and organizational resources need to be assessed for their alignment with strategic priorities. Identifying a clear funding model to estimate how much is needed versus the gap between the status quo and the desired impact scenario drives adjustments in resource allocation and priorities and program scale to match the resources with the strategy.
Design business/execution plan and establish performance measurement: All of the above will lead you to a place where you will be able to lay out the plans for each strategic priority, the responsible parties, and any relevant milestones needed for tracking.
We can help manage your strategic planning process so that you have clarity around your desired future and understand the priorities needed to get there. We will provide you with the knowledge needed to align your existing and future resources most effectively and provide you with a roadmap to make it all happen.